Yume Shokunin 是一家為世界各地的人們帶來興奮的公司。

Yume Shokunin 是一家為世界各地的人們帶來興奮的公司。
Yume Shokunin 不僅生產和銷售優質牙刷 MIOSKA,還研究超精細加工技術,建立生產技術,並與大學進行共同研究。 Report from Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka University
運用獨家奈米表面處理技術Nano Zion Dream,為牙刷刷毛表面增添鎂、鈣、鈉等對人體與環境無害的天然礦物質,只需沾水,不用牙膏即可使用。清潔過後牙齒表面如同玻璃般滑順有光澤,並能賦予牙齒親水性表層,不易附著髒污齒垢。不須牙膏,無論是在家中,或是擺放在辦公室、學校中、旅途中,餐後就能方便使用。

A study on tooth remineralization with MISOKA (English Only)
A mineral-coated toothbrush, was conducted by the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Graduate School of Dentistry, Osaka University. The result of this study shows that the remineralization rate of MISOKA toothbrush was double the rate of a non-mineral-coated toothbrush. In order to corroborate the result from the first experiment, the study team conducted the same experiment for a second time.

What is tooth remineralization?
Tooth remineralization is a natural process protecting teeth from demineralization which is loss of calcium dissolved from tooth enamel due to acids. Saliva plays a vital role in tooth remineralization process, which helps in fighting against the early stage of tooth decay.
The sample blocks are produced from extracted cattle. After that, those sample were immersed into a demineralizing solution.
Each demineralized enamel block was divided into two different areas: a demineralized area coated with nail varnish, and an area without any coating for remineralization
Next, a cycle of demineralization and remineralization was repeated seven times. During the cycle of demineralization and remineralization, the blocks were brushed under the above mentioned three different conditions: A, B, and C, and then immersed in the 37℃ demineralizing solution for four hours. After that, they were brushed again and then immersed in the demineralizing solution for 19 hours.
After the last cycle of remineralization, the nail varnish on each enamel block was removed using acetone, the blocks were fixed with formalin, and then were contact micro radiogram photographed. The film was digitally photographed with an optical microscope and then each area of demineralization and remineralization was measured in order to calculate the remineralization rate.

Observing the photographed film with an optical microscope, the demineralized enamel block of Group B did not show any remineralization; however, the enamel blocks of Group A and Group C did show remineralization. In addition, the remineralization rate of Group A was more than twice the rate of Group C.
The result of this study suggests that mineral-coated MISOKA toothbrush has a probable effect in promoting remineralization of tooth enamel. It also suggests that the mineral coating technology on MISOKA may promote remineralization better than toothpaste with a high fluoride concentration.
MISOKA 夢職人產品
日本夢職人-MISOKA 旅行款|納米礦物免沾牙膏牙刷
通常価格 HK$110.00通常価格単価 あたり -
日本夢職人-MISOKA COMFORT S 軟毛款|納米礦物免沾牙膏牙刷
通常価格 HK$98.00通常価格単価 あたり -
日本夢職人-MISOKA COMFORT 軟毛款|納米礦物免沾牙膏牙刷
通常価格 HK$98.00通常価格単価 あたり